Батс Исаак Ридлер (Butts Isaac Ridler) (1795-1882) – американский
· Laws of the sea – Boston, I.R. Butts, 1848.
· The creditor's & debtor's
assistant – Boston,
I. R. Butts, 1849.
· The business man's adviser – Boston, I.R. Butts, 1849
(переизд. – 1854, 1855,
1856, 1857).
· The business man's assistant
containing useful forms of legal instruments – New York, H. Long & brother, 1850.
· The merchant's and mechanic's
assistant; being a collection of rules and practical tables for the use of
commercial houses & those interested in ships, operative mechanics,
artificers and engineers – Boston, 1856.
· Directions & forms for the
execution and acknowledgment of deeds to be used or recorded in other states – Boston,
I. R. Butts, 1857.
· Merchant’s shipmaster’s and
merchanic’s assistant – Boston,
I.R. Butts, 1858.
· The business man's law library, and
practical assistant – Boston, I. R. Butts & co., 1860.
· Merchant’s & shipmaster’s manual
and shipbuilder’s and sailmaker’s assistant – Boston, I.R. Butts and co., 1860 (3-е изд. – 1864; 4-ое изд. – 1870).
· Manual of admeasurement. The United
States tonnage law of 1864, with analysis of the mode of measuriing ships and
vessels, illustrated by formulж, diagrams, and full directions for the admeasurement of vessels of all
forms and sizes – Boston, I. R. Butts & co., 1865.
· The trader's guide, and business man's
legal companion, containing the laws of trade – Boston, I.R. Butts & co.,
· The tinman's manual and builder's
and mechanic's handbook, designed for tinmen, japanners, coppersmiths,
engineers /9-ое изд./ – Boston, Cupples and Hurd,